Write Faster

About a year ago, I stumbled on a technique that changed my productivity.  I was writing my sixth book, Her Pleasure His Principle and working full time. I struggled to find time to write. When I did carve time out from my hectic schedule, I was disappointed in my progress.  The drafting process made me uncomfortable and I began to doubt my value as an author. I felt defeated. Why was it so hard to put the words that swirled in my head on paper?  Procrastination set in and I found myself watching YouTube videos. One video explained the method of Pomodoro.

If you would like the back story on the Pomodoro Technique click here. Long story short, the Pomodoro method brakes large task in small increments. For 25 minutes I wrote followed by a 5 min break. I repeated the process 4 times. After the fourth time I took a 15 minute break. I found that my word count per hour increased and my writing sessions became consistent.

The Pomodoro Technique is often referred to as Writing Sprints in the author community. Authors all over the world set their timers and write using this method. Each author is different and the amount of time between writing may vary.  I started with the traditional 25 minutes of writing followed by a 5-minute break, but I found I prefer to write for 30 minutes and take a 10-minute break. You can adjust the time to what works best for your writing session. There are several authors that start with a 10- or 15-minute sprint to warm up. It is important that you do what feels comfortable for your writing session.

Authors on YouTube host Word Sprints, Write with Me, or Write-ins.  They broadcast live on YouTube, but the video is available afterwards. During these videos or events, the YouTuber will set a timer and type their current project. YouTubers often gather with author friends but at times they host alone. I love watching and participating in Write-ins. It feels like I am writing with friends.

If you want to write faster, I suggest you try this technique. To help you with this journey I have a special google doc.  This doc will help you keep track of your progress as you write. I use this word sprint tracker to log my progress with writing projects. 

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