Book Merch And Supplies For The Bookish Lover

Hey friend it is back to school time but before you provide the kiddos with all the things, I want to remind you that you need some supplies too. That is right -you need and deserve to put something in that cart for yourself. As a reader, you have resources to help you improve your reading life. How do I know? Well if you are new here let me introduce myself, hi I am She Nell an author, blogger, independent publisher, speaker, and literacy teacher. In this blog, I talk about reading and Christian Fiction. I post fresh content every Monday and invite you to read, share, and subscribe. I have created a list of bookish supplies you want to add to your cart this back-to-school season. 

Bookish Wear 

Book-themed teeshirts, cozy socks, hats, and comfy pants are reader necessities. Socks keep your feet warm while also sending a warning message to those who approach you as you flip through the pages. Messages state everything from – Do not Disturb – One More Chapter or simply – I love books. In addition to socks, teeshirts make great bookish wear.  I recently picked up a shirt that said- Take A Look It Is In A Book. I purchased my bookish teeshirt from Shein however Bookish Wear can be found at Amazon, Books a Million, and many independent bookstores. 

Bookish Cups and Mugs 

As a gift for finishing my book, Standing on the Enemy, hubby brought me a teacup. This was a special gift because it had a list of my books and my name on the cup. Bookish customizable cups and mugs can be found all over the internet. I find collecting mugs just as rewarding as collecting books. Having a themed mug to go with a new book is a treat I am sure you will love. If you are not an online shopper try Marshall’s, Home Goods, Ross, or anything in the chain of stores. They often have fun and unique mugs and cups.

Bookish Totes and Sleeves

If you are like me or Rory Gilmore, you always have a book. If you have a book you need something to carry it so grab yourself a cute book tote this year. Bookish totes like Bookish Wear come with a variety of sayings and graphics. Totes are great for your book and your other purse needs. Recently I picked up a Booksleeve and I am in love. When I am on the go I either have my tote or backpack. I found that when I tossed my paperback my Kindle and reading supplies into my bag pages crushed and I could never find my pen. Enter the Booksleeve. Bookshelves like everything else come with sayings and graphics. Mine is waterproof, it fits my paperback book, kindle, and reading supplies. The pouch zips and has a pocket on the front. What I love most is that I can toss my Booksleeve in my tote or bookbag and everything is together.  You can find Booksleeves on Esty or Amazon. 

E-book Reader

We are not going to debate team e-book or team physical book but hear me out, Friend. Having an E-book reader allows you to carry several books at once. They are also compact and can slip into small and most midsized purses. Remember your reading goal – it helps to have a book with you. Whether you choose a Kindle, Kobo Nook, or tablet you can have your next read at your fingertips. Some e-readers come with special programs that allow you to read for free and many have connect abilities to your local library. If you would like to read my first series No Love Like God’s Love – A Good Thing – If I be Lifted Up and Vengeance is Mine- they are available on Hoopla. If you are looking for a fun standalone – Joyful Noise the Hotmess Choir is available there too. Hoopla is a free digital streaming app that also partners with local libraries.

Bookish Supplies 

Stationary and books go hand in hand.  As a book lover, you need a place to muse over your favorite books, pens to jot down quotes, and page flags to mark important passages. Journals, highlighters, and colorful pens can be found in most retail stores. I would suggest you get the ones you love most. I purchased a pack of 1000-page flags from Amazon for around eight dollars. I am always on the hunt for a good journal and have found them in several retailers. I prefer to get journals from physical stores because I can feel the paper and book cover. 

Well, friend here are my top 5 bookish supplies you need to pick up for yourself this season. Other items include book markers, book lights, neck pillows, and bookshelves. All items you can never have too many of -right? I hope you have found this article helpful. Please share it on social media, subscribe, and tell a friend. 

Are you looking for a quick read? 

Sometimes we want to read a good story but we only have a short amount of free time. That is one of the reasons I wrote the Living a Blessed Lie series. This 90-minute read is a perfect read for your lunch break or kids’ football practice. 

They say they are Living their Blessed Life but someone is LIVING A BLESSED LIE. 

We all have flaws but do you have faith 

Hey friend before you go please join my list so that we can keep in touch. I send out weekly chats and updates. 

She Nell is the author of over 19 Christian Fiction books. In 2020 she published her tenth Amazon best seller Walking Crooked with Christ and became the CEO of Light and Salt Press LLC. Her blog is a go-to resource for writers and readers of Christian Fiction.

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