How to Find a Good Book

One thing I love about being a  Literacy teacher is connecting readers with books. I honestly believe that there is a book for everyone even the most reluctant reader.    If you are new here, my name is She Nell. I am an author, blogger, independent publisher, and Literacy teacher. Today I want to give you 5 ways to find your next read.

Read Blurbs and Reviews 

The book blurb located on the back of the book or the description page will give you an overview and reason to read the book. However, the book review section will give you reader feedback on the book. Reading reviews is a great way to find your next read. Reviews give the reader a perspective to consider before reading.  

Ask a Friend 

Friends don’t let friends Read alone. Asking your reading friends is a great way to find a good book. Although I hope you have a great group of physical friends in your life, I also know that virtual friends can be just as helpful. Joining a group on Facebook of like-minded readers is a wonderful way to connect and find your next great read.

Check The List  

There are a number of bestseller lists that can help you find your next great read. Within the Amazon website, there are list for each genre and subgenre. At the bottom of the Amazon listing, there is a ranking. This ranking lists a variety of categories that you can select to take you to the top 100 list for that category. Using this method will expose you to books people are currently reading. 

Window Shop (scroll) 

Let’s be honest you were probably scrolling on your device at some point today. You can scroll or as I like to call it window shop for your next read. Simply pick a website like Amazon, Barnes Noble, Pinterest, or wherever you buy books. Once there put in the genre or books and scroll. I have a wishlist on Amazon and a board on Pinterest for my reading.   

Social Media Sites 

I mentioned earlier that virtual friends are a great way to find good books. You can also join social media groups to learn about new releases and great books. Most authors have an author page and some have reader groups. Both resources can connect you to your next read.

So how did you find your last great book? Let us know in the comments below. 

Are you an avid reader? What are you interested in learning more about? Comment or contact today. 

Are you a Christian fiction author who would like a book review, interview, or spotlight? 

Contact or comment today. 

Are you looking for a quick read? 

Sometimes, we want to read a good story but have only a short amount of free time. That is one of the reasons I wrote the Living a Blessed Lie series. This 90-minute read is perfect for your lunch break or your kids’ football practice. 

They say they are Living their Blessed Life but someone is LIVING A BLESSED LIE. 

Hey friend before you go please join my list so that we can keep in touch. I send out weekly chats and updates. 

She Nell is the author of over 19 Christian Fiction books. In 2020 she published her tenth Amazon best seller Walking Crooked with Christ and became the CEO of Light and Salt Press LLC. Her blog is a go-to resource for writers and readers of Christian Fiction.

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