Best Writing Advice you will ever have

I am often asked; what’s the one piece of advice is I feel all aspiring authors should be given.  You may be shocked to find that answer is not “write every day”.  While writing every day is beneficial to many, I would not consider it to be the best piece of advice for writers. Please hear me, writing every day is great advice and I do believe that you should tough some part of your writing business every day. What is the best piece of advice I think every writer should be told? You must be a student of craft and business.

Here are 5 ways to help you become a student of the craft and business of writing:


Attending workshops is an excellent way to sharping skills and network with other writers. In June CBLR will host a virtual workshop (check it out here). Godlywood Girl lead by Stephanie Rodnez provides workshops and classes for Christian entrepreneurs (check out her amazing website here).

Read in your genre

Reading in your genre keeps you aware of trends and conventions. If you are a Christian fiction author, I provide book suggestions and reviews. Check out the review on Bible Chicks here.


Networking is priceless in the business of writing. A strong network can help you navigate the publish process and recommend services. In the blog post, The Secret to Becoming a Best-selling Author we talk about the importance of writer friends.

Ask Questions

Friends, there truly are no dumb questions. You should ask whenever a question appears. Yes, asking   YouTube and Goggle does count. If you need an in-person experience, there are writing and publishing coaches that can help.

Please feel free to ask questions in the comment section. If you have any advice to give, we would love to hear it below. If you have enjoyed this article, please like and share on Social Media.  If you want posts as soon as they hit the internet? Subscribe Today!

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