Why Christian Fiction

So you are looking for something to read. You have searched high, low, and all over the internet. Then you stumble across this site or maybe the Facebook page and you thought “what is urban Christian Fiction?” Christian Fiction is a genre that will draw you in but not away, a place where ordinary people live Godly lives just like you and a great way to relax. Christian Fiction is above all a literary genre that will satisfy the spirit and soul. There are a million reasons why Christian Fiction is a genre you should take interest in but I will spare you 900,000,095 a focus on 5 reasons why you should put these books in your collection

We are commanded to guard our hearts

Proverbs 4:23 commands us to guard our hearts above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (NLT). We are told that we should be mindful of what we entertain and allow to entertain our souls. Just like hearing a song can put you in a special mood or watching a scary show can cause you to jump after hearing a sound, what we read can affect our actions. Let’s face it we read for the escape because we want to be taken away to a world outside of our own. However great writers like Denise Kelley, author of Even when it Hurts: Seventy Times Seven, understand that escape can be achieved with Christ. “The overall message I want my readers to get from my writing is that 1) Christians have the same issues that everyone else has. 2) Ultimately, Christ is the answer!” Kelley said.    A mental vacation can be achieved without compromising your beliefs.  

It is fiction that draws you in without drawing you away

The search for a good story is personal but achievable within the genre of Urban Christian Fiction. Within this genre, you will find a story that will draw you into a world that is intriguing and has the presents of God. Our word tells us in Psalms 37:4 to take delight in the Lord and he will give us the desires of our heart. God knows that we desire a juicy story and when we find books that are not absent of Him he delivers through the writer a tale that has us talking for weeks. Authors like Reagan Dennis, author of the very juicy Hope’s Faith and Hope’s Faith 2 Eric story, said she was an avid reader before writing. “I wanted to glorify God while telling my story”. She told us in her August interview.   

You get examples of modern real-life characters and events

Within the pages of Urban Christian Fiction, you get examples of real people and events The Blessedselling author E.N. Joy told us in her September interview that she manages to keep it real and keep it holy in her writing. “My ultimate goal is yes to please the reader,” she says “ but I must first please God”. The characters experience love, pain, heartache, and scandal. With their faith in God, they are able to get through very climatic situations.

UCF sharpens your faith

Psalms 51:10 says “create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” (NLT). With Urban Christian Fiction, you are able to renew your faith. Often I have read something in an Urban Christian Fiction book that has led to a deep study of my Bible or a renewed strength about a situation. Tammy Cross, the author of several books including Deadly Schemes, says “It shows the way God can work in people’s lives for the good of others. They tell a story in a way that’s not forcing God on people that may not believe.” These real-life situations are not preaching to the reader, however, they are shining a light on every issue the characters face.

You can relax in the comfort of Christ

Why do you read? To relax! Well if that is true what better way than to relax inside of the comfort of Christ. Relax while reading a love story where Christ is the center of the relationship, relax with a mystery where the hero relies on Christ for guidance, or during a drama with a plot twist and Christ at the helm. Psalms 119:1 tells us that joyful are people of integrity who follow the instructions of the Lord.

So while you are searching for something to read consider Urban Christian fiction and Christian reading. Are you new to this genre? Each week we provide reviews, interviews, and articles about Urban Christian Fiction. Feel free to browse this site and allow us to be your connection to Urban Christian Fiction. Do you have a favorite Urban Christian Fiction author? Please let us know some of your favorite authors and titles.

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