Fighting the GOOD fight

Khara is back. You remember her from Sitting on the Fence. She is Sara’s perfect little sister with the perfect boyfriend that everyone loves and longs for their wedding day. Sara dates Aaron and she is Rue’s bestie. Anyhoooo, remember at the end of Sitting on the Fence Khara finally makes it to the wedding and baaaaaaabbbbbbbyyyyyyy her saved sanctified holy ghost filled fire baptized Grandfather Deacon Walker takes one look at Mr. Perfect and goes OFF. I am talking about let me lay down my religion ’cause it is bout to get real streets AND somebody is gonna catch these hands OFF. Remember? Well, it is time to find out why he was so upset, if Khara is going to listen to her grandparents like her older sister Sara, or will Khara put an end to the foolishness that is going to take place? Pre-Order Today

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