How to Get Out of Your Reading Slump Fast

It is December and you promised to read (insert your number here) books this year. If you have faced a reading slump this year do not worry, I have three ways to pull you out of your slump and to help you jump-start your 2025 reading goal. If you are new here my name is She Nell, I am an author, blogger, independent publisher, and Literacy teacher. This year I fell face-first into a dreaded reading slump but I was able to pull myself out in three easy steps. Let’s get you out of your reading slump so that you can start the New Year right! 

Get out of your reading slump with 90-minute fiction

Short stories or 90-minute fiction is a great way to escape a reading slump. Most short stories can be finished on your lunch break or while the kids are at sports/ music practice. Short reads provide a total reading experience. Reading a short story can build your reading appetite. If you are an Amazon shopper or Kindle Unlimited member you can search 90 min fiction to find several quick reads. 90-minute fiction can also be found by searching the term on your favorite search engine or looking up short stories. Some of your favorite novel writers have a collection of short stories. Reading 90-minute fiction is a great way to get out of your reading slump. 

Get out of your reading slump with a book buddy 

You may not be ready to dive into a book club but having a book buddy is a great way to escape your reading slump. Reading the same book or series with one friend can provide the accountability you need to pull you out of your reading slump. You don’t have to find a team of people just one friend or loved one is enough. You can set a goal of the number of pages, time spent, or just to finish the book. Your book buddy can read the same book or a different book. The goal is to hold each other accountable for the reading and to check in often. Having accountability is beneficial in all areas of life including reading.  

Get out of your reading slump with a reading sprint 

In a perfect world, you would gather your tea, blanket, and book nestle in a cozy space, and read all day. We are not in a perfect world. That is why reading sprints can help you get out of your reading slump. For a reading sprint, you set a timer for your desired time, read, and then take a short break. You can repeat this process as often as you like. I advise students who struggle with reading to do reading sprints with the television. One option is to read during commercials, another is to read between episodes. If you have a show that comes on at 6 pm then you start reading at 5:30 pm followed by watching your favorite TV show, this process can also be repeated. I am a huge fan of The Big Bang Theory (so I‘ve seen every episode 100 times) I will often read for an episode and watch the next. This method helps me get my reading in and allows me to get a daily dose of Sheldon and Amy Farrah Fowler. 

Bonus Get out of your reading slump with challenges   

Another great way to get out of a reading slump is to dive into a reading challenge. There is an endless list of challenges on the internet. Simply look up Reading Challenge. You can read books in rainbow order, or alphabetical order, or select a number of books to read on with programs such as Good Reads

Friend, I hope these steps help you jump out of your reading slump and into your next book. If you like books and book content, you have come to the right place. I post bookish content every week. Feel free to like, share, and subscribe. 

Are you looking for a quick read? 

Sometimes we want to read a good story but we only have a short amount of free time. That is one of the reasons I wrote the Living a Blessed Lie series. This 90-minute read is a perfect read for your lunch break or kids’ football practice. 

They say they are Living their Blessed Life but someone is LIVING A BLESSED LIE. 

Hey friend before you go please join my list so that we can keep in touch. I send out weekly chats and updates. 

She Nell is the author of over 19 Christian Fiction books. In 2020 she published her tenth Amazon best seller Walking Crooked with Christ and became the CEO of Light and Salt Press LLC. Her blog is a go-to resource for writers and readers of Christian Fiction.

Are you a Christian Fiction author and would like a book review, interview, or spotlight contact today 

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