Meet D.A. Bourne

Believe it or not, Friend there are some amazing male authors in the Christian Fiction space. Hi, I’m She Nell, I write, blog, publish, and teach people about books. I love books and Christ, so imagine the joy of those two things melting together in a good book. One of my favorite male authors is D.A. Bourne. D.A. speaks to his feelings about the genre and much more below.

Tell me about your latest book.

Love, Faith & Hip-Hop, Part 2 is the sequel to Love, Faith & Hip-Hop. It’s a story about a teenager (Lamar aka L.A.3) who creates the first Christian hip-hop group in the city of Buffalo. Unfortunately, this didn’t go well with his father who is a Bishop and the founder of the Stop Gospel Rap Movement. They both get into an intense argument and shocking family secrets are revealed. Much of their chaos is caused by Eugene, the minister of music, who’s more than determined to destroy Lamar’s character. Lamar’s past is also exposed, which affects his current relationship with his GF Deanna. 

I would love to go into further detail, but if you haven’t read Part 1, I highly recommend that you read it before diving into Part 2!

Why did you choose to write this book?

Since I was a teenager (early 90s), I always dreamt of being a multi-platinum Christian rap artist. I tried to make this a reality in the mid-90s to late 2000s, but then I realized that I had a bigger passion for writing fiction. During my 1st year of rapping, I encountered a situation at church when a world-renowned gospel artist was the guest. He got behind the pulpit and said that rap was the devil’s music. At that point, the church members looked at me, and I’d never been more embarrassed in my life. I told myself, “One day, I’m going to write about this experience. Little did I know that I would make it an entire book series, hahaha.

What inspired you to write in the Christian Fiction genre?

I wanted to create popcorn-level (high drama) stories with a Christian theme. Stories that weren’t cheesy or too pure to be entertaining. Stories that if they were in a movie format, it would be a perfect blend of a Netflix and Pureflix program.

Why do you read Bible-based fiction?

It’s great to read fiction that won’t make you feel dirty-minded, but instead, you feel encouraged, convicted, and entertained all together! And there’s no book more powerful than God’s Word.

How has Bible-based, or Christian Fiction grown your faith if at all?

Simply put, after reading CF, I always believe that through God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE to those who live by faith. It may sound cliche, but it’s the truth.

What is your writing process? 

Daytime is my favorite time to write, but I choose to write whenever the setting is ideal. Just give me a table or a desk and I’m ready to create! I used to always do a 1st draft by notebook, but now I always use a laptop.

What is the best part of being an author?

Letting my imagination and thoughts be released from my brain to the paper. That’s low-key mental freedom hahaha.

Who are some authors you love to read?

She Nell, Lakisha Johnson, Tanisha Stewart, Olivia Shaw-Reel, Khara Campbell, H.H. Fowler, Myron Golden, Gary Keesee are at the top of my list, but not limited to this group.

What book(s) are you most excited to read next?

I don’t really have a big TBR list. My goal is to read a fiction and non-fiction book every month, if possible. I’m not the fastest reader, and I gotta make time to support my fellow CF family.

Tell me something about you as a person.

I love cooking competition shows and NFL football. I also greatly appreciate the scenery, both nature and urban development, which is why I enjoy US road trips.

Follow D.A on social media: 

FB: D.A. Bourne

IG: thewriteboss

YouTube: Breaking Mediocrity 

Are you looking for a quick read? 

Sometimes we want to read a good story but we only have a short amount of free time. That is one of the reasons I wrote the Living a Blessed Lie series. This 90-minute read is a perfect read for your lunch break or kids’ football practice. 

They say they are Living their Blessed Life but someone is LIVING A BLESSED LIE. 

We all have flaws but do you have faith 

Hey friend before you go please join my list so that we can keep in touch. I send out weekly chats and updates. 

She Nell is the author of over 19 Christian Fiction books. In 2020 she published her tenth Amazon best seller Walking Crooked with Christ and became the CEO of Light and Salt Press LLC. Her blog is a go-to resource for writers and readers of Christian Fiction.

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