Why I Love Christian Fiction

If you have been around for any length of time or stumbled across this blog after reading my bio then you know I love Christian Fiction. I have to be very honest I love it like Kennan and Kel love orange soda “I do I do I dooooo”. But why? Well, I am glad you ask. 

I love to read Christian Fiction because it aligns with my beliefs 

I can read anything but it is comforting to read books that align with my beliefs. When I read Christian fiction I understand the characters’ struggles and love to see how they overcome. Because the text aligns with my beliefs I don’t have to guard my heart against words or scenes that contradict the life I live. 

I love Christian Fiction because I don’t want to be a contradiction 

Okay, let me start by acknowledging we all have fallen and will continue to fall short. So no I will never be perfect and I don’t expect to be however what you put in comes out. It is hard to live a Christian life of no cursing, sex outside of marriage, or many other negative things when you surround yourself and your mind with those things. I want to be a positive voice for the kingdom not a contradiction to the word. So I fill myself with positive thoughts, and stories that align with the Word. 

I love Christian Fiction because I love good stories. 

I believe Christian Fiction gets a bad rap. People assume it is a long sermon in text. Christian Fiction is not your Sunday service. The storylines are complex and across all subgenres of Fiction. Christian Fiction touches everything from romance to a murder mystery.  If you have not read a Christian Fiction book I challenge you to give it a try. If you are a fan of or have read Christian Fiction I challenge you to share this article or the book you read with at least three friends. 

Order your copy of Limitless Love Today 

Are you in the mood for a quick read? 

Sometimes we want to read a good story but we only have a short amount of free time. That is one of the reasons I wrote the Living a Blessed Lie series. This 90-minute read is a perfect read for your lunch break or kids’ football practice. 

They say they are Living their Blessed Life but someone is LIVING A BLESSED LIE. 

We all have flaws but do you have faith 

Hey friend before you go please join my list so that we can keep in touch. I send out weekly chats and updates. 

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